Jul 2, 2009

Assignment: F/16

This week, we were gven the title "F/16" for our assignment. The requirement is, set your aperture to f/16 and compose your shot.

F/16 is often used to shot landscape/panorama and slow shutter speed. but, you can also go on for macro shots. It's all about your creativity.

My submission was this:

These are my collection of model trains. All of them are in N scale (1:160 or 1:150). but the 3rd and 4th (count from right) are actually just one set. It is an EMU units, not locomotive like the 1st and 2nd.

I set my aperture to f/16 and my shutter speed to 10 seconds. The, I turn off all available light. The light source was a dim led built in my remote controller. At first, I wanted to shoot with my remote controller, but if I use my remote controller to shot, then I don't have any suitable loghtsource (this a conclusion I made after several test shots).

I also had other ideas such as using Trump cards or business cards but it take time to compose.

The assignment for next week is "Portrait". Portrait of a person, in black and white not colours. And I am already shooting for it!

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