Mar 16, 2009

A week summary

No.1 Car review shots

Remember this post? I said, I will go to Shiga.

Unfortunately, my Senior who ask me to join him did have much time as he must be back to his collage at 6pm. we had to changed our destination and it was Amanohashidate at Kyoto.

I have the upportunity to ask him about some photo tips and I also get the chance to use other brand lense.

He granted me to use his lenses which are EF-S10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM and a TAMRON 28-75mm (I don't remember the details).

I was so surprised with Canon USM lenses. The auto focus was so silent. Now I know why CANON prefer USM for macro photography.

No.2 New accessories

I bought several accessories which has arrived yesterday.

They are SLIK U6600 (a tripod), CANON 430EX II (a speedlite), and Seculine TWIN1 R3-UT (a remote control).

These all were just for 31060 yen! So cheap!

However, I forgot to buy some batteries. :(

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